Hi All,
Bit of a problem here. When i create a new vlan, then vnic template in UCS manager and then add the template to a server's service profile, reboot the server, vnics appear but vmotion stops working straight away without even creating a vswitch. It will no longer communicate in vmkping either. The setup is as below:
vlan created on both Nexus 5k and added to port-channel used by physical nics.
Vlan created in UCS manager
QOS set up for vnic
vnic Template created for Fab A and Fab B.
vnic added to server using vnic template.
Server rebooted.
new vnics are seen in vsphere
vswitch created and it can ping ip address on netapp for nfs.
vmotion no longer works or pings. Times out after 14% stating cannot communicate with host.
I'm at loss here, any help would be greatly appreciated.