A customer is planning to install Windows Server 2016 on a Vblock in the near future. In other thread we got confirmation that Windows Server 2016 drivers are already available.
At this point we are looking for confirmation of what UCS Blade Software version is required to support Windows Server 2016. It seems that Microsoft qualified the B200-M3 servers with bios version ucs-b200-m3-bios.B200M3.2.2.6d.0.062220160055 which is available in UCS blade software versions 2.2(8b) and 2.2(8d).
The Cisco UCS Hardware and Software Compatibility tool (https://ucshcltool.cloudapps.cisco.com/public/#Interoperability) shows a link that points to 2.2(8d), so it is safe to say that the minimum UCS Blade software version to support Windows Server 2016 is 2.2(8d)???
Thanks in advance for any feedback.
Gabriel Tlalpachicatl
Dell EMC Customer Advocate