My client bought 2 new b200 m5 blades to put into empty slots of their 5108 chassis.
Their FIs are 6248UP with their infrastructure firmware at 3.2.3l
Blades would not pass discovery. TAC support stated that we need to upgrade their infra firmware. (3.2.3 DOES support m5's but not m5's with cascade CPUs)
NY site (currently)
Nexus 5ks running 7.3.8n1
Pure (ISCSI no storage switch)
FA-X50R2 running
Targeted OS (currently at 6.5)
Chassis - 5108 AC2
Blades (pre-existing) b200 m4 with CPUs E5-2699v3, E5-2660v3 - 2697v4
If I upgrade their infra to 4.0.4 and create a new host firmware package for the existing and new blades to briing them to the same version, can someone help me determine if this is a compatible set up from compute to storage to TOR (nexus).
OF course I am going to continue reading but I just got slammed with new projects and I know this community is great. Please let me know if you need any further info