Alex Pfeil
Level 7
Level 7
Member since ‎01-08-2008

User Statistics

  • 624 Posts
  • 41 Solutions
  • 1849 Helpful votes Given
  • 599 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

I have a Firepower Management Center HA Pair running 7.0.1. There are a couple of 5508 firewalls and I notices that the last code that is supported on them is 7.0.1. What is the process of continuing to upgrade the FMC. Can I upgrade the FMC to a lat...
We are currently investigating ESA as a possible upgrade from our current solution. One question came up by the security team. In the current solution they have, they are able to view an email inside the GUI of there current solution for security pur...
We currently have devices being removed from AD after a certain period of time and removed from ISE after a certain period of time. Sometimes, these devices need to be re-added to the domain and ISE. However, if they are not in ISE and not in the dom...
We were hoping to get some feedback on why a router would show ports open on the public facing interface when they are not running on the router? They are not specifically closed. Nat is configured in a manner that would not allow a connection throug...
Is anybody in the process of deploying and using the 8300 series edge platforms. We were looking into these and just wanted to get some feedback. Are you using them for SDWAN or configuring them individually? Have you had any issues or just a great e...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-08-2008 12:55 PM
Date Last Visited ‎05-17-2022 08:22 AM
Posts 624
Total Helpful Votes Received 560
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