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Member since ‎06-10-2020

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  • 148 Posts
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  • 96 Helpful votes Received
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Hi all,hope you can help me.Have several Cisco 9300 switches configured with MKA. Everything was working correctly but some switches in the network had a power failure and restarted. All came back, but then I was having issues with OSPF disconnecting...
Hi everyone, hope you can give me your opinion about this.Have a customer that is being adamant that he wants MacSec enabled between the switches (Catalyst 9300), now the switches are connected to each via two Siklu Radios 80Ghz that provide 10Gbps.I...
Hi all, hope you can help me.  I've been having an issue with OSPF that unfortunately I can't seem to figure it out.  I have the following design: Where if I disconnect VLan 5, I stop seeing Switch 2 (all switches are 9300). I can see that in the sw...
Hi all, hope you can help me. I have system running where I want to use multicast. The system is a CCTV system and the network is as per below: Basically it's a ring running OSPF between Catalyst 9300 and the two catalyst 9300 to the right have Acce...
Hi everyone,I'm a little confused with the Cisco licenses that I hope you can elucidate.I have a network with Cisco Catalyst 9300 where two have the Network Advantage and 5 have the network essentials license. The network is running OSPF with around ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-10-2020 01:51 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-15-2023 06:50 AM
Posts 148
Total Helpful Votes Received 96