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Member since ‎08-18-2020

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  • 41 Posts
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If I view the graphs for FMC in FMC GUI under System/Health Monitor/Monitor I see one diagram for Event rate. Example below: What type of events is this, all event types? Also 5.00 million events per sec seems wrong. What is the timeframe? Should the...
When I check hit counts from an ACL in our FTD-unit (via the FMC) the time stamps have incorrect values. Study the attached screen shot. Hit counts where fetched at 13:22:27 but the "last hit time" is 13:44:49 (i.e. approx 22 minutes into the future)...
We upgraded our VPN ASA (FPR-2130) to 9.16(4)19 software recently. After this remote access VPN units (Windows10 PCs with AnyConnect 4.10.05085) fail to establish management tunnel. Management tunnel setup worked on ASA 9.14(4)17. Anyone else with th...
After upgrading two FTD2140 and one FMC4500 to 7.0.4, health monitoring is not fully working. All the information panes under Health/Monitor/individual FTD device just show "No Data Available". What could be the problem? 
Our WSA-proxy performs TLS-decryption for End-User Notification. If a user tries to visit a webpage in a forbidden URL category (not permitted by policy) then a block message is shown. If the user uses Firefox or Google Chrome then everything works a...
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Member Since ‎08-18-2020 07:45 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-24-2024 12:31 AM
Posts 41
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