Hi Corey,
As of now your 10.5.x of active partition and 11.5.x of inactive partition has same data. However if you do any changes in 10.5.x then it will not be replicated to inactive side automatically. When you do the switch version on later time,...
Hello Larry,
You can now directly get the license from Cisco Product Upgrade Tool (PUT).
1. Login to https://upgrad.cloudapps.cisco.com/upgrad/jsp/productUpgrade.jsp
2. Put your contract number.
3. Select "Advanced" option and search for "Cisco U...
(For people who come to this thread from Google search)
Doc from TAC has been published recently to address NTP troubleshooting.
Hi Charles,
In the common phone profile configuration, make sure you uncheck "Enable End User Access to Phone Background Image Setting" and try.
Best Regards,
Sudheer Shenoy
Hi Syed,
Here are tinks for good discussion about CDR and Time conversion which were discussed earlier in community.