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Member since ‎12-13-2006

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HiI have a network with two 6509s, 720-3BXL in the core of it. The 6509s are connected to each other over a trunk with all VLANs allowed over it. Down the line there are top of the rack switches, each connected to both 6509s over trunks. Only VLANs c...
HiI have asked this question before, but as I have not get far with it I am going to try to be more specific this time.I have a server that needs to do an outbound connection to a mail server. The connection has to be initiated to port 26, that then ...
HiI am trying to configure the ACE to NAT both IP and port based on the source IP and destination port. For example all traffic from an internal IP going to any destination to port 26 should be Natted to an external IP and the port 26 changed to 25. ...
Apart from a 6500 series boxes, what else can be used to terminate full or close to full (up to 200000 routes) routing table?
Hi I have two 6506s with SUP2 on them. There has been a problem there with maxing out BGP routes on both switches, which was resolved by quite aggressively filtering incoming updates from our transit. Now I have come across a rather strange phenomeno...
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Member Since ‎12-13-2006 09:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
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