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Member since ‎08-26-2016

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Hi everyone. I have a BGP query that I've inherited which I hope someone can help me with. My company has a WAN MPLS circuit across Europe (provided by Verizon). There are 6 remote offices with the UK Data Centre in Hampshire, UK. We want to regional...
Hi everyone This is probably a simple one so apologies in advance. I have a Check Point 5800 HA cluster in a Data Centre and following some work on a Cisco Nexus, looked at the ARP table and saw the following for my firewalls: Internet 0...
Hi guys I hope someone can offer me some assistance with this. Here's the basic summary:There are 4 datacentres, TN2 - LD3 - DCR - DCSI have an IPSec tunnel between TN2 > DCR and LD3 > DCS Diagram attached. Traffic routes between these tunnels back a...
Hi everyone I've attached a basic diagram which hopefully explains my setup. Please see Diagram 1a. This time, I've also added routes that I currently have configured on each device. Routes on Vodafone router:        ...
Hi everyone I hope you can help with this. I've attached a crudely drawn diagram which I hope will help. Summary:Main office network: /24Client office network: /24Legacy network: /16Client VPN network: /22...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-26-2016 02:22 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-15-2021 06:04 AM
Posts 137
Total Helpful Votes Received 70
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