Deepak Kumar
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni
Member since ‎06-23-2016

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Transport: Type: CSLUCslu address:!sho license certs Production Cert: TruePIID: <empty> Licensing Certificated: Root Cert Info:Start Date: May 30 19:48:47 2013 UTCExpiry Date: May 30 19:48:47 2038 UTCVersion Num...
Hello All, The Cisco TAC team has created some confusion about the CSSM Smart License usage policy. I have some Nexus switches running NXOS 10.2(5), Cisco C9300 switches running 17.6.5, C3850 running 16.12.8, and Cisco ISR routers running 16.12.4. Wi...
I am busy with a network migration project and activating licenses on the Cisco C9500 XE17.6.5 using the On-Prem Licensing server (Cisco Smart Software Manager On-Prem) and getting some strange issue as:   Apr 25 10:05:19 UTC: CALL-HOME-SL-TRACE: sma...
Hello Everyone, As I am using ExtremeIQ (Cloud WLC) for the wireless solution, We are planning to start a discussion about DNA center implementation. Currently, we have a license for the Extreme Cloud WLC and APs so we want to use it for a while more...
Dear All, We brought three 1140 firepower appliances and are facing difficulties with setting up devices. As we are unable to access firepower chassis manager using the browser and below are the details:   Try1: Given IP under the Management Interfac...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-23-2016 01:56 PM
Date Last Visited ‎01-22-2025 12:09 AM
Posts 2,799
Total Helpful Votes Received 2451
Cisco Designated VIPs
2019 Routing, Switching
Cisco Designated VIPs
2020 Routing Switching
Cisco Designated VIPs
2021 Switching, Routing