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Member since ‎12-09-2002

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I can't delete, erase, or format the flash. Any commands to override this?Sand2511#erase flash:Erasing the flash filesystem will remove all files! Continue? [confirm]%dev_open: System flash not writable%Error erasing flash: (Device is read-only)Sand...
Has anyone ever seen a large number of files in a directory called lost+found? See files below.FOA_copper_inf#dirDirectory of flash:/20:09:57 +00:00 lost+found 88 -rwx 39 May 28 2009 16128000 bytes total (2881024 bytes free)FOA_copper_...
What are the current versions? Outputs from show commands:router#sh versionROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(17r)SX5, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Is the above the rommon version? It looks the same as the msfc3 firmware - c6msfc3-rm2.srec.122-17r.SX5....
I have installed SSH to use as an encrypted method of logging onto my routers. It works. I also enabled the SCP server on the cli, router config#ip scp server enable. (be careful here because scp has a slight vulnerability where a user with a rest...
I have installed SSH and it works with PuTTY. I then wanted to use SCP. I enabled the SCP server on the switch: ip scp server enable.First I logged in to the switch using PuTTY.I tried using WinSCP from SourceFire. I found that it doesn't work and...
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Member Since ‎12-09-2002 01:36 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
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