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Member since ‎07-29-2021

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Hallo,I have a C3560X switch that isn't learning the MAC address of our CPE router. At the moment, we're using C9300 with the same config and it is working (we're changing because the network rack is too small that the C9300 doesn't fit). We've updat...
Hallo,Is there a way to simulate a DoS attack in CML? I am doing a lab on CoPP and an attack is required but I am unable to generate this. Thanks.
Hallo,I would like to understand how to verify the active and standby routers in our network on the core switch. From the snippet below, HSRP is configured on the transfer VLAN 828 to the ISP. The 'sh standby brief' command is not on the NEXUS switch...
Hallo,Running the EEM script below, to overwrite the VLANs on the uplink port does not work remotely. Is the any error that someone can point to? Thanksevent manager applet VLAN_ALLOWED authorization bypassevent none action 3.0 cli command "enable" a...
Hallo, I have the below EEM script configured in C1100 router and I am trying to manually trigger it but it is not working. What could it be that I am doing wrong? event manager applet IP-CHANGEevent noneaction 3.0 cli command "enable"action 4.0 cli ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-29-2021 04:50 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-04-2024 01:23 AM
Posts 146
Total Helpful Votes Received 41