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Member since ‎02-24-2010

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Hello, I have a Meraki router with a SG300 switch and 2 x WAP561 Access points on ports 47/48.  We currently have VLAN 1 ( setup as our main network.  I have setup another VLAN for our guest network on our Meraki router, VLAN 50 (192...
Hello, I have a UC520 which I have just placed a Meraki MX64 security appliance in front of.  I'm now having issues with inbound calls.  Outbound calls work fine.  Please see the logs below and let me know if you can see what is causing the error.  T...
I have a UC520 which I'm trying to configure.  We are switching to a new ISP who requires that the WAN (FE 0/0) port be tagged with VLAN 35 and then the PPPOE dialer (Dialer2) connected to VLAN35.  How should I go about setting this up. Thanks!
We are in the midst of switching from one ISP to another.  I received the router and need to put it in front of the UC520.  My only problem is that inbound calls aren't working.  I ran the logs and found the following error.  Is there an easy way to ...
I have 2 x Cisco 7925G phones that are running 1.4.1 SR1.  If I upgrade the phones by USB to 1.4.5, will I run into any issues.  I can't upgrade the firmware through the UC520 since its newer than the software pack.  I guess the same question would a...
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Member Since ‎02-24-2010 08:23 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 43