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Member since ‎07-10-2006

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  • 64 Posts
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Hi,Does anyone happen to know if an SNMP MIB/OID exists for the Flexconnect configuration on a WLC?  Specifically I'm looking to return the name of the Flexconnect Group that a particular AP is a member of.  I've accomplished this for the AP group, b...
Hi,Would appreciate some advice, I am using a 5508 controller, I have an SSID that has WMM enabled and platinum QoS profile applied, with default settings.  I have 802.11p set to none as we are not doing layer 2 QoS on the switches.I found that when ...
Hi,I'm trying to create an EEM script to monitor the status of some EIGRP peers on a specific interface.  The failure detection works, the problems I have are:- The applet trigger is syslog, unfortunately there are two peers on the interface, so I ge...
Hi All,I am currently viewing the configuration of my two ISP connections.I am trying to find the best practise for filtering BOGONS.We are currently filtering them using an in-bound access-list applied to the ISP facing interfaces.Would I be correct...
Hi,Please could someone advise a good router/s for terminating approximately 80 or more x21 serial circuits, with redundancy.... Hope someone can help.Thanks,Peter
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-10-2006 03:55 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-08-2019 09:27 AM
Posts 64
Total Helpful Votes Received 19
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