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Level 1
Member since ‎04-13-2010

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Hi gents,I currently have a Cisco 850w that I use for my home router, wireless with 4 ports and I like to be able to tinker and use the CLI. Problem is that 4 ports is just not enough and I need to either and a workgroup switch to it or buy something...
Any help appreciated but if someone can step me through the entire process so that I can go back and correct something I did wrong, that would be great. I know that I'm missing a few pieces so I will just ask the question as if I am setting up from s...
Hi, need some help. Not sure if this is possible but I have an 851w and I wanted to know if the USB ports could be used to connect an external USB drive. If so, how does one do that?
Wondering if someone can help me out....fairly new to Cisco and I'm trying to do something without knowing if it can actually be done.I've got a Dlink router that is connected to my ISP. I recently got a Cisco 871w router and want to connect that to ...
Newbie here...I have a Dlink router/switch/wireless device connected to myCable modem. I recently purchased a Cisco 871 that I'd like to practice on and was thinking of connecting it to my DLink device to simulate a WAN connection and have 2 differen...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-13-2010 08:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 18