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Member since ‎09-29-2011

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I encounter the same problem on an ISR 4431, running isr4400-universalk9.03.16.07b.S.155-3.S7b-ext.SPA.bin.Has somebody any hint about this? Regards.
I just came accross the following problem: ACL entries are renumbered when issuing the write memory CLI command. And this is a problem for me because I use the EEM to insert and possibly delete entries in ACL dynamically. And I therefore need the ACL...
Hello, I am looking for the behaviour of extended ACL, including layer 4 / port informations, in the presence of fragmented IP frames. It seems to be different depending on the use of the ACL, as follows: - when used in an access-group, layer 4 infor...
Hello, I am trying to set up a layer 2 bridge between a router port and a switched port on a 4321 router, running X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.5(3)S5. The switched port is located on a NIM-ES2-8 module. The router port is native. This...
I am trying to transport data with fast update rate over a WAN, via STUN (Serial Tuneling). Time accuracy being very important for this data, I would like to use UDP, instead of TCP (I prefer to lose packets, than to get outdated ones). Is there a po...
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Member Since ‎09-29-2011 11:26 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-18-2019 07:33 AM
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