I have logged into RTMT via CUCM credentials.Can you add IM&P and CUC to the System Tabs shown here in Alert Central to be able to configure and monitor?
I had this same error when upgrading to version x14. I had an old, inactive IMP node that was no longer in use, that I had to remove from the CUCM server list.After doing this I was able to add the IMP to EXPC.
Not sure if it was related but I had is...
Hi, thanks for the replyThe reason I asked is because I actually saw someone had this setup as seen below. Not sure If I mislead you with the initial question.
The Low WaterMark is a Warning While the High WaterMark Purges Logs Below is an article showing how you can adjust the Low and High WaterMarks in RTMTProcedure to Adjust WaterMark in RTMT of Cisco Call Manager - Cisco Lowering the High WaterMark mean...