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Level 1
Member since ‎10-18-2019

User Statistics

  • 70 Posts
  • 5 Solutions
  • 52 Helpful votes Given
  • 40 Helpful votes Received
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Hi,suddenly our Callmanager doesn't recognise upgrades on our FTP-server. After choosing "Install/Upgrade" -> "Next" the system connects to the FTP and after a while states: "No valid upgrade options were found".I checked the connection (firewall) an...
Hi folks,I'm trying to install the new SSM On-Prem 9 based on Alma-Linux to get rid of the last Cent-OS we're using. I configured a virtual machine based on the provided installation instructions as far as this was possible (@Cisco: Selecting "Other ...
Hi,we run a SSM On-Prem to manage licenses within our cisco devices. Lately I had to find out, that the syslog is filling up rather quickly. We talk about upwards of 2.5G a day! This fills up the /var/log partition really fast. Obviously the system g...
Hi folks,we have a 9300 switch, every port ist configured to use port security with one sticky MAC-address and everything works fine. Now we like to do some checkings in our network using a test tool from FLUKE. As soon as I connect and start testing...
Hi y'all,we are using SSO (SAML) to login to our CUCM. Today I had to update the IdP Metadata because of a certificate renewal. No big deal, everything works smoothly with one exception: When I hit the logout button I get an error message from my ADF...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-18-2019 05:18 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-08-2024 03:50 AM
Posts 70
Total Helpful Votes Received 40