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Member since ‎01-11-2022

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Hello, everyone. If someone configures QoS classes and prioritizes different types of traffic and let’s say that they configure CBWFQ for any non-voice data and LLQ for voice data, these shouldn’t take effect unless the traffic amount exceeds the li...
Hello, everyone. I have some questions regarding LACP F-Switchover. Here is my topology: From my understanding, LACP Fast-Switchover can be used in situations where we have a 1:1 redundancy. So we basically have one port in the EC (Etherchannel) for...
Hello, everyone. I am studying MSTP and I was configuring regions. I would therefore like to verify whether my understanding of them is correct since I wasn't quite sure what was the point of them at first, but now I believe I understand. When it com...
Hello, everyone. I've just started with MSTP so I started on viewing and reinforcing topics that I already know from the previous STP/RSTP versions by examining the MSTP BPDU. However, the structure of it confuses me a little. I have this simple MSTP...
Hello, everyone. I am studying about Loop Guard at the moment and I came across this Cisco Doc. Where the f...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-11-2022 07:57 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-03-2024 11:05 PM
Posts 57
Total Helpful Votes Received 16