Kasper Elsborg
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎01-11-2022

User Statistics

  • 55 Posts
  • 7 Solutions
  • 81 Helpful votes Given
  • 28 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hi Guys, I am a bit puzzled about this. I have implemented 2 ISE nodes in  Simple Two Node Deployment. Each node holds all personas. If I split it up, Ise03 holds, Admin and MnT, and Ise02 holds PSN personas, It still works, and clients gets AuthZ. N...
Hi I have an FTD, and an ASA, both connecting to same LAB infrastructure. ASA connects just fine, when using the anyconnect profile name, but the FTD fails. I get the "Untrusted server certificate"on both FW's however the FTD fails, only when connect...
Hi Community. I have manage to configure ISE to run 802.1x on the wired side. But when It comes to wireless, I am in doubt.The ISE live log suggest that the certificate is matched aginst AD, and EAP-TLS is up and running.But the "sh authen sess int g...
Hi community. I have installed an vWLC AIR-CTVM-K9, version - straight from the .ova with standard config. in my ESXI 6.7,  Meaning I haven't changed anything.I have a couple of AP's cisco AIR-CAP2702I-E-K9 - Cisco IOS Software, C2700 Softw...
Hi community. First, I'm studying the ISE so I'm simply a beginner. However I've managede to integrate my NAD's with Tacacs+ and authenticating with AD.It's a pure lab setup, with a ISE 3.1 and 4 switches, DC, with CA.Client1 (win10) have their certi...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-11-2022 11:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-03-2024 12:01 AM
Posts 55
Total Helpful Votes Received 28