Tommy Svensson
Level 1
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Member since ‎01-21-2011

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Hi. I'm interested in how much traffic goes through my site-to-site tunnels. I have about 5 tunnels set up and I can only see the load on each interface with "sh interface giga 0/0" and beside the "30 second input rate". Is there any way of seeing th...
Hi.I'm having problems reaching internal services over my site-to-site tunnel while they have a NAT configured.  Description:On site A I have a MSR30 router and behind that I have a web server running sites on port 80 that I have made available exter...
Hi. I'm wondering about NAT loopback. My problem is this: I have 1 router Cisco 2911 that is the default gateway of the network. Then I have 1 web server and 1 PC on the internal network. Router: the...
Hi.We have a Main Site and two Branch Sites, Site B and Site C. We want to run IPSec Site-to-site VPN tunnels between Site B -> Main Site and Site C –> Main Site. What we also want to achieve is connection between Site B to Site C without having an e...
Hi.I have the following setup.As gateway to the Internet i have a Cisco 2911 router with IP company have a lease line to the other companies in their company group, all owned by a single mother company. IP of the gateway for this le...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-21-2011 02:36 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 191