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Level 1
Member since ‎04-02-2022

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For school I have to make a network and I need to write down every IP address in a table. Am not so sure if my access witches belong in vlan1 (server room 1 and 2) in my IP address table.Can someone tell me if I did it right?? Thank you so much in ad...
Hello everyone! I have an assignment that is due next month. I need to create a redundant network with the following configuration: Correct Switch security, configured management interfaces, remote SSH access, VLAN's and subnets, DHCP server, static ...
Hello I want to change all the starting IP adresses on my DHCP so I can use those original starting IP addresses for my VLAN'S on CORESWITCH2. But if I change them, DHCP stops working on half of my PC's. I also want to implement a redundant DHCP serv...
My DHCP server doesn't assign IP addresses to my PC's. I configured dhcp for VLAN 70 and VLAN 20. But it doesn't give out IP's. Does this have anything to do how my network is built up? I only tried to configure the VLAN's 70 and 20 so thats why the ...
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Member Since ‎04-02-2022 06:12 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-25-2022 12:02 AM
Posts 14
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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