Abdulkader Naji
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Member since ‎02-08-2016

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is it possible to use my existing ISR 4321 voice gateway to add two more sip trunk settings .and how?
I have FXS card and I need to use it to send fax and receive faxes over my voice CME ISR4331 router which have SIP trunk configured already.  I read about the T.38 Fax relay configuration and I believe the solution will be to configure T.38 globally ...
The issue is with wireless controller Mobility Express version 8.2.166 which is configured for guest WLAN. the issue happen user need to access to cisco page of local web authentication page the browser is not trusting the certificate from the virtua...
Hi, I started new installation of CUCM on my network and I'm stuck oh how to route the internal LAN to reach the SIP Gateway although the router is reaching the my lan vlan ip addresses and the phone is reaching the cucm. now from my pc with IP addre...
I have two SX-20 one locally on lan and one remotely but didn't become registered. I did the same steps for SX-20 locally but didn't fix that I have tested the connectivity from station on the remote network to the cucm on the HQ and working fine. My...
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Member Since ‎02-08-2016 04:44 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-09-2020 05:57 AM
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