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Member since ‎11-16-2011

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I understand it is possible for the Cisco Anyconnect VPN client to run script OnConnect and OnDisconnect. Is it possible to pass the username or even their VPN authentication credentials to map a specific drive for a particular user? In other words i...
Does anyone know how to get a summary of netflow statistics on NX-OS? On IOS you could do sh ip cache flow which would show what I need? Can't find a similar command on the Nexus Platform Thanks.
Is the following etherchannel scenario even possible? On one end ports on a single Nexus 7000 switch split between 2 different line cards, a M series 10G line card and an F series 10G/1G line card and the other end a 3750X stack or a 4500 switch. Or,...
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Member Since ‎11-16-2011 09:48 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 6