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Member since ‎03-12-2012

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Hi all!Can anyone give full example of the use of event_register_nf detector in TCL script.At only the syntax commands and there is no example.Interested in the meaning of keywords: event_type, exit_event_type, event1- event4
Hi guys!The following error occurred while performing EEM scripts. Two scripts will start simultaneously on the "timer CRON"  (because set "script thread" = 3)    Both scripts use the cli_open command. An error occurs when you run the command - cli_o...
Hi everyone!I found a new bug in cisco IOS 15.1(4)M3 when running EEM script with syslog event detector.If system logging performed using the "logging discriminator" and run concurrently EEM script with syslog event detector, then Cisco router crash ...
Hi Guys, I've got one short question about the cisco RPC event detector.Can someone give an example of the use of EEM tcl script with RPC event detector. Interested in script on the client side and and how it uses the SSH to transfer SOAP request on ...
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Member Since ‎03-12-2012 04:16 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-24-2019 10:31 AM
Posts 21
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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