Hi there, hope you are all having some lovely times!I am trying to get the Multicast services (Apple Airplay and Google Chromecast etc) work smoothly across network.There is some intervlan allowed from the gateway and all the multicast options on.Wha...
Hi thereI am fine tuning my AP1832 controller for each one of the wifi networks, and wondering if you could help since I am trying to figure out the best options:1) for the best most reliable casting/multicast experience across airplay2/chromecast/sp...
Hi there,I have a network with different devices from Ubiquiti and as an AP system there are 15 AP1832 with one of them acting as the controller.1) It is an almost the latest firmware. Is this setup version of AP constantly monitoring itself for band...
Hi there,is there a way if having some issues since some config changes (without knowing exactly what was changed), to reboot the SW with the previous working configuration?If so how do you do it?Thank you!
hi all,any of you that can clarify the difference between this two? when to use/edit one or the other?If want to update a Switch with an uptodate configuration which one should I update it with, the running one or the startup?Thank you!
Thank you @balaji.bandi for your answer.Ap are the 1832, with the before last one firmware upgradeWLC is one of the AP acting as the controller.Considering the infos on your link, the WLC options I dont see more than what on image attached for mDNS s...
For some reasons, doing it this way, something did not work. SW 2 will stay stuck as indicated above in the console lines, and the configuration of SW1 got changed and systems stopped working. Fixed by loading again the backup file of the original st...
thanks @Martin L so the best way to "update" a switch with a newer config is to copy the config file of the startup config from a usb to the startup config of the SW? correct?is it then saved automatically for next reboot or need to do another comman...
thanks @Leo Laohoo it gets stuck here... been waiting 30min now:"Base ethernet MAC Address: Interface GE 0 link down***ERROR: PHY link is downInitializing Flash... flashfs[7]: 0 files, 1 directoriesflashfs[7]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directorie...