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Member since ‎11-08-2005

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I am trying to add a new CTI route point in ccm 5.0.2 and it won't reg w/cm. I am not able to add any new CTI RP.What is causing this? Phones are registering just fine.
I am having a problem with the Unity 5.0.1 web page. I am able to click on most links in this web page except for the Subscribers link. When I click this link, IE just hangs and says Not Responding. Any ideas???
Is there anyway to tie a Client Matter Code to a partition? I am trying to find a way to keep users from one remote site from using the CMC from a different site.Thanks,
I need some CMC assistance. Have a customer who has multiple physical locations making outside calls through a centralized PRI. The customer wants to flag calls made by each of these locations so they can bill each locations cost center for LD calls....
I have a 3845 with four (4) MPLS T-1's terminating on it. We are using MLPPP to bundle these T-1 together. When I do a ?sh ppp multilink?, it shows one of the T-1?s is inactive. This is a new install. What would cause this fourth T-1 to be inactive w...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-08-2005 02:26 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 319
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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