You have to confirgure RADIUS via the CLI and it provides all the CDR header information.Go here for setup information - # Accounting Method # Benefits # Restrictions # File ...
You can change the level of detail within the data by using the detailed / compact template or create your own using the acct-template command and upload your own template to the router.Standard template details info -
Hi Bejoy,As Java has mentioned you need to enable CDR's on all nodes within the cluster, can you confirm the following:1. CDR's enabled on all nodes (Disabled by default) Can be enabled through Serviceability.2. Log calls with zero duration is enable...
Currently only two partners are certified compatible by Cisco for UCME based systems.
Just to confirm you specified C:\logi in both FreeFTPd and the UCM Billing Server?If so then you need to remove C:\logi from the Billing Server configuration as FreeFTPd has already made it the root path.i.e. Remove C:\logi and replace with /You shou...