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Level 1
Member since ‎04-18-2023

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  • 17 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 3 Helpful votes Given
  • 1 Helpful votes Received
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Is there a way to set the font size to large for all current and future deploy phones without going to individual phones to set it in the setting?
Is there one pattern to rule them all for all internal numbers that will strip the 91 in the front if the end user dial that?We have multiple sites throughout US that have different area code and exchange code. Doing them one by one is doable but don...
Is it possible to mark the phone/line as busy for BLF even when the phone/line is not in use?
Is there a way for end user to monitor the whole phone (Primary, secondary, etc lines) instead of just one line?I have an office set up with phones. Each person has their primary lines, the office main line, and the dept line. When the person is on t...
Is there a way to update the labels of the BLF key to the description of the line that it is monitoring?So if I changed the description of the line 1234 to John Doe, it will update the labels of all the BLF keys that has 1234.
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-18-2023 05:44 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-14-2025 07:10 AM
Posts 17
Total Helpful Votes Received 1
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