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Level 1
Member since ‎10-12-2023

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  • 21 Posts
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Hello Everyone,I am looking to change the High Availability Name and Management IP for multiple APs at once. I have look through other post and can not seem to find commands that work for my controller. I did this in the past with an excel formula bu...
Hello Everyone,I have a problem that has stumped me. I am working on getting a Nursing Simulation Lab up and running. This requires all devices (LAN and Wireless) to be on the same subnet and communicate via custom mDNS services. I have everything wo...
Hello Everyone,I am seeking help with the Device Management Interface and the default VRF Mgmt-Intf.I would like to change the current device management interface to TenGig0/0/0 but when attempting to do so, I get this error."Error in Configuring Eth...
Hello Everyone,I have reviewed multiple posts but no luck renumbering this 2960X switch. My goal is to take a switch that has been removed from a stack and make it a standalone switch. After the "write erase" command, it still kept the stack provisio...
Hello Everyone,I am currently experiencing packet loss on a trunk port from one switch to another. I am at a loss to determine what is the issue.Both switches are C2960X on ver 15.2(2)E5. VLANs match on both ports. Attached are pictures to help refer...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-12-2023 01:00 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-05-2024 07:53 PM
Posts 21
Total Helpful Votes Received 2
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