Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎07-31-2012

User Statistics

  • 247 Posts
  • 21 Solutions
  • 35 Helpful votes Given
  • 81 Helpful votes Received
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50 Discussion Posts

User Activity

Hello, everyone. Does anyone can help with troubleshooting problem with output packet drops at the 3850 switch? The problem is that I see a lot of packet drops at the some interfaces at the low traffic rate (maximum is 100 Mbits at the 1G ports). Gig...
Hello, everyone.Because of solution of our system engineers I’m hitting a problem with network design. We’re planning to do a second DC and our system engineers want to aggregate blade systems at both DC to one cluster. So I need to find a solution t...
Hello everyone. I'm using a flexible netflow for analyzing connections for security matters. But I have a lot of false allarms because my device sends netflow data before the flow itself is end. So I tryed to tune cache parameters to store data at t...
Hello everyone. Is it possible to add tag to syslog messages that is sending to external syslog server by Cisco device? Best Regards.
Hello, everyone. At my router I have 2 ISP connections (Internet). And I'm trying to connect this router by 2 DmVPN clouds to my central Hub. Because I want them 2 works at the some time I put 1 of the interfaces (backup ISP) to the front-VRF (becau...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-31-2012 11:39 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-12-2018 12:22 AM
Posts 247
Total Helpful Votes Received 81