Leandro de Sao jose
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Member since ‎06-29-2012

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Hi dears,I would like to have a evaluation script but i dont see How uccx would provide It. I amor not menaing only a script, i mean evething like getting the call automatically redirect to the evaluation script and also getting the agente name, call...
dear,does anyone know how is done to have an IVR so after the agents end with the customer, the customer is transfered to a IVR menu so he can rate the attendance?regards
Dear friends,while analizing a packet capture, i was wondering on what fields the FCS uses to get CRC. some places tells that it gets the whole frame, even preamble, others just say that it just calculates using only the data.regards,
Dears,I have installed VXC and i have no seen any deference between having an IPC instead of having VXC. As i understood, I must install VXC(which installs IPC) on my physical PC and CUCP on VMware host (Virtualized Client). So when I make a call the...
Dears,I have installed VXC and i have no seen any deference between having an IPC instead of having VXC. As i understood, I must install VXC(which installs IPC) on my physical PC and CUCP on VMware host (Virtualized Client). So when I make a call the...
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Member Since ‎06-29-2012 04:11 PM
Date Last Visited ‎01-24-2020 10:18 PM
Posts 11