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Member since ‎02-15-2002

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Hi. I have a question re the PPP ROHC packets that our CISCO2811 which we are using in a test enviroment as a LNS running 15.1(4)M7. The 2811 generates ROHC packets towards the connected LAC. There is no ROHC communication in the other direction (LAC...
HiDoes anyone know if it is possible to translate a unicast destination address to a multicast destination address using NAT or perhaps "Multicast Service Reflection". Thanks.
HiI have a software related question regarding running BGP on the Cisco Catalyst Series Supervisor Engine V-10GE.The Datasheet says that you need a "Cisco Interdomain Routing license" to run BGP4. This seems a bit strange, as I have not seen a situat...
HiOn a PIX 525 running ver 6.3 with a 4 port 10/100 card installed will it be possible to configure the interfaces as follows:e0 - Inside interface e1 - Firewall stateful failover e2 - Firewall Failover monitoring link e5 - Outside interfaceI am basi...
HiI seem to be having a problem with a MPLS VPN scenario which I have set up in a lab.I have two routers (a 7301 and a 2651XM) connected together over ethernet.I have the following VRFs configured on both7501 (running Version 12.4(2)T1):sh ip route v...
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Member Since ‎02-15-2002 04:12 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-11-2018 11:04 PM
Posts 109
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