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Member since ‎05-04-2003

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Dear,I have MWR1941 router . This router has VWIC-2MFT-E1DIR. It has a default y cable configuration. My problem is associated with e1 . MY card is not sending any singnal. Please advise.Pls check the sh controller and sh run
Hi,Will you say about source base routing and how to do source base routing.TIA
Hi,I have two router( A and B) and these two rotuers are connected with two separate E1.My data will pass from B's ehternet interface to another router's interface( C). The address of C's ethernet is x.x.x.193/224 and B's ehternet interface's Ip is...
Dear friend,Will you send me a complete guide of OSPF. I am to configure a OSFP netwrok with redundancy and load balancing.Thanking,Biaksh
Dear friends,I have a pair of MWR-1941-DC router which has built in Y cable configuration. It has two E1. Now I want to multilink these two E1 so that they act as a single. So will you provide methe multilink configuration?Bikash
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Member Since ‎05-04-2003 03:26 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
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