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Member since ‎08-23-2014

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Hello Sandbox Team, In the Collaboration section, we have only 2 PCCE labs. 1. PCCE 11.52 PCCE 12.0 Can we also have PCCE 10.5 lab as we don't have this LAB and our application must support a 10.5 version? Please help me with this if possible.
Hello All, Today I reserved the PCCE 12.0 LAB and Finesse login is not working message appears "Device not accessible. Contact your system administrator." Then I had a look in CUCM and found that all phone's statue is None. (All phones are not regist...
Hello All, I working on Cisco IP Phone XML application, but I don't have a registered Cisco IP Phone, with Sandbox we got Cisco Jabber. Where I can't test my application because Jabber doesn't support XML applications. Can anyone please let me know h...
Hello All, I am working on 1 JTAPI based CTI application. What I want to achieve is to answer a call and put that on hold on CTI Route Port for n number of minutes. I am able to accept the call on CTI Route Point but not able to answer. When I try to...
Hello All, Is it possible to cancel the Parked call reversal? There is a bad scenario.1. Agent A received a Call.2. Agent A Park the Call (Park timer is configured for only 60 seconds)3. Agent A received another call. (So now he is busy, and only 1 c...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-23-2014 02:08 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-30-2024 10:21 AM
Posts 58
Total Helpful Votes Received 20
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