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Member since ‎09-19-2007

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Hello, With a 7925 using 1.4.1 version (and CUCM 8.6), the entreprise directory menu is in English language instead of french one like the others.The locale version is CCM-locale-fr_FR- did no find any bug or any compatibility matrix betw...
CUCM version 5.1(3)Hello,We are facing a problem in the IP phone corporate directory.Due to a LDAP synchronisation, DN are stored and presented with a dash ("-") character in the directory (ex 67-8585).When we try to do a search on the IP phone based...
Hello,I'm experiencing a problem with a UCCX configuration. Some of agents in a defined team sometime blink in the supervisor console (the agent appear and deseapear like if the agent console is launched then closed, launched then closed). On dektop ...
Hello,We can't change the langage of our CCM user interface BEFORE log on. On several PC, the connection pannel is in french ; on an other PC, it is in English.We tried to change user language of the user, than to log out and to relaod the page, but,...
Hello,We have to deploy « Click to call » on several PC, with same parameters for all users (login/password) on all PC.The aim is to install in admin mode the software, than to copy parameters to all users present on each PC using their own personnal...
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Member Since ‎09-19-2007 08:45 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 18
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