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Member since ‎05-13-2003

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Dear all,We currently have a W2K3 IAS box authenticating our trusted wireless users via RADIUS.The wireless users connect through our WLC 4402, via a WLAN that points to the W2K3 boxes under the AAA settings.This setup seems to be working fine, howev...
Dear all,We currently have a m0n0wall security device which we are thinking about replacing (this is a FreeBSD based device).This device is used to provide authentication to of our wireless networks, via the use of RADIUS and a captive portal (RADIUS...
Dear all,I am trying to setup a connection to an ASA 5505 inside interface via an IPSEC tunnel.The reason for this is so that I can manage the ASA via the VPN, as opposed to connecting to the outside/public facing IP address (I also plan to setup our...
Hi,I am having trouble connecting a piece of medical hardware via an 1130AG configured as a WGB.For info. the medical device runs a third party OS (written by GE) which seems to communicate using L2 broadcasting. If the device in question is connecte...
Dear all,I am in the process of planning the configuration of a new Etherchannel from our 3750-24-TS switches to our 4507's.We currently have 2 x server racks each with 2 x 3750's in them. Each of the 3750's is currently connected back to a 4507 via ...
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Member Since ‎05-13-2003 01:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
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