Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎10-29-2010

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  • 83 Posts
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  • 89 Helpful votes Received
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Hello, Has anyone deployed a Guest Portal 'exposed' via the Internet to cater for SD-WAN Local Breakout Guests? A second Interface (or another) is assigned to provide the Guest Captive Web Portal. The primary interface is reserved for the Management ...
Hello, we are trying to utilize TACACS Proxy for the following scenario, WLC < ----- > ISE2.6-Patch5 < ----- proxying ----- > Central ISE We are using the 'Service-Argument' attribute in the proxied request as below screenshot and we see this on both...
Hello, I'm having an issue with Advanced Filter when using does not contain and 'or' statement.ISE 2.6, Patch 5. WORKING = Contains: josh or mark NOT WORKING = Does not contain: josh or mark  Similar issue with numbers WORKING =  Contains 8971NOT WOR...
Hello, although not strictly an ISE issue, a customer has changed the UPN for a few Active Directory users.For example, FROM- TO - This is not being reflect in the new certificate which ...
High CPU with 2960x Stacks and 802.1x configuration. I have a customer with stacks of 2960-x switches which have high CPU once .1x configuration is applied on the interfaces. Process such as Auth Manger and CPU - EPM ACL PLUG-IN  are very high.  Had ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-29-2010 06:37 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-08-2024 12:01 AM
Posts 83
Total Helpful Votes Received 86