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Member since ‎12-23-2005

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Hi,My question is wrt policy-based routing on my network. Our switch is a 3560G 24PS running Adv Ip Services image. It is connected to an 1841 and an 1811 each with a dual-wan connection . The 3560 defines 6 vlans and we are using PBR to route some v...
Hi,I have a 3560G switch with c3560-advipservicesk9-mz.122-46.SE and 2 routers. The switch has vlans defined. I want to route all traffic on vlan 25 out of one of the routers exclusively.Here is what I have attempted:-Set the SDM template to routing ...
Hi,Im unable to access my newly configured 1841 via SSH or via CCP from the WAN side.Is there anything I can do from the LAN side in CCP that will assure that this router is able to be managed from the WAN?TIA
Hi,Is there any way to change a setting which causes a user logged in to the web browser interface (or connected via ssh) to have to re-authenticate. Im getting annoyed by being disconnected from the AP and having to re-authenticate.TIA
Hi,I have a network with a 3750G and several Vlans defined. Its running ipservicesk9-mz.122-53.SE for an image.I have an existing application that is multicasting within a single Vlan to the address From what I have read I believe that it ...
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Member Since ‎12-23-2005 05:41 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 152
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