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Member since ‎09-03-2005

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Network setup: 1 Cisco 2600 router with a serial0/0 and fastethernet0/0 interface. The serial is connected to the ISP (me) and the faste connects the LAN. Serial0/0 has a public IP and is a NAT outside interface, while faste0/0 is a private IP and a ...
Is there a way to send a "return code" on the CLI in IOS? Being able to send a return code would allow multiple commands to be sent on the same command line. For instance:conf t; int e0/1; no shut; exit; exit; copy run startSomething like that. Anyon...
I want to define a user/group that has the ability to connect to a VPN, but not via the CLI or any other method.Currently my VPN users can also log in via the CLI on my routers. They don't have enable access of course, but I would like to prevent the...
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Member Since ‎09-03-2005 11:55 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
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