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Member since ‎04-15-2012

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I have this error when establishing calls from pstn%VDEV-4-NORESOURCE: No free DSP resources available. the as5350 has 4 e1 pri and 1 np108until 3 days age everything was working fine .   
what kind of hardware is it need for relaying fax t.38?we use as5350xm and our PBX , handling incoming and outgoing calls doesn't have any problem , but we couldn't deploy fax . what kind of special hardware , interface card or chasis does it need in...
 Hello Everybody , we want relay fax from as5350xm to the sip server. So,I have configured fax(t38 protocol ) on as5350xm gateway and the Sip server ,Now the signaling is Properly working , but we  couldn't hear or receive fax tone in fax machine, I'...
Dear All,I need to configure fax service in as5350 and as I have basic knowledge about this issue , so I really appreciate If you provided me with detailed information. fax machin-->as5350I want to whenever I call to the Bnumber of the E1 , I hear th...
Dear All,we have a problem in voice quality ,we use cisco as5350xm and use our special software as a PBX. also there is a very heavy traffic of calls which are handled by operators. but the only problem is the noise in the calls. there isn't any echo...
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Member Since ‎04-15-2012 10:07 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 44