Mohamed Mostafa
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Member since ‎11-02-2015

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hello everyone, I have installed ISE in my network of 2000 or more PCs from 2 years ago and I think all the configurations are right and optimum, but I face a problem I think it is from PC side that every day 4 or 5 computers drops in the CWA posture...
Dears, did any one install Cisco Prime Infra. version 3.0 or any version on ESXi 6.0 ?? i know it is not recommanded from cisco but i dont have hosts less than that in the enviroment here. thanks Mohamed
Dears, after discovering the switches 4500 with the PI 2.2 ... and checking the switches in ( Monitor > network devices ) and choose the device ... then it shows ( Device details are not available for the selected device.) my question is does this is...
Dears, Please could you provide me with information or documents about the differences between PRIME Ver. 2.2 and the new ver. 3.0 What will I lose in the old version and what is new in the new version So as to put in consideration if there will be ...
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Member Since ‎11-02-2015 12:15 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-31-2018 12:01 AM
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