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Member since ‎10-09-2001

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Hi,I have the following setup:Service Provider connected to SLM2008 port 2SLM2008 connected to SG300-20 using LAG2SG300-20 connected to SG200-08 using LAG1SG200-08 port 1 connected to PCI have configured VLAN 4 to isolate this (port-to-port)​ traffic...
Hi,I have configured LAN port 4 to VLAN 4 and disabled the DHCP for this VLAN, after setting the DNS server to "Use DNS from ISP".I can't use DHCP relay, as I don't know the DHCP server from the service provider.The objective is to get the device con...
Are there any plans to provide support for other applications than voice for remote sites ?I'm thinking about local video calls, presence, IM, etc. in a typical SRST-like use case.Christophe
Can a 7920 be used with a 802.11g only Access-Point ?
I'm looking for an answer to these questions :What is the total device weight supported on a CM installation on a single SPE310 ? What is the maximum number of IP Phones supported on a fully equipped chassis ? Are there any licensing limitations (CM ...
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Member Since ‎10-09-2001 08:58 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-17-2024 01:48 AM
Posts 11