Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎11-15-2012

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  • 12 Posts
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Hi, I have a phone user at one of our sites that wants to store names and 10 digit numbers on his phone. I have tried to do this by adding fast-dial configurations in the ephone section. This works but he doesnt appear to be able to edit the names/nu...
HI, I need to redirect all traffic exiting my network on port 80 to an external IP address on port 3128. Does anyone know if this is possible to do on a Cisco router? Thanks
Hi,I am struggling with NAT translation on a Cisco router. I want to translate all HTTP traffic that exits my network to change the destination IP to  and translate the destination port from tcp 80 to tcp 3128.i.e. If a PC with an IP 192....
HI Guys, I have been tearing my hair out all day over an issue and I am hoping that you can help.I need to redirect web traffic to an external symantec proxy server ( have tried to do this through a PBR but I am not hitting the Syman...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-15-2012 10:35 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 12