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Member since ‎11-28-2001

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We are installing Callmanager express 3.1 on a central site. We have a remote branch connected over an IPSec VPN with the central site.We need to install a couble of IP phones on the remote branch, which will be registered with the CCME system on the...
I am installing callmanager 3.3(2) publisher server. After I have installed the CCM, most of the services are stoped (except a few, including the Cisco Database Layer Service which is started), and I need to go and select which services I need to sta...
we have ADSL connection to the internet. There is an Alcatel ADSL router connecting the WAN ADSL link, and behind this we have a cisco 2600 with two ethernet interfaces (inside and outside). The ADSL downstream is 1.5Mbps and is usually overloaded wi...
We have VMS 2.2 with CSA 4.0 agents. We also have an ACS3.1 on the network. We want to implement the following functionality: If lets say a certain user does not have all antivirus or OS updates installed, then ACS and CSA should not allow the user t...
we are installing Cisco Security Agent (CSA) v4.x on windows machines in order to provide end-user protection and security. We would like to have the following functionality: If the Antivirus program installed on the user PC, or the Windows OS, are n...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-28-2001 04:11 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 87
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