Level 5
Level 5
Member since ‎11-28-2001

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  • 587 Posts
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Hello,I have a IPCC hosted solution with CVP 4.0.when the agents are available call rings on the agent however call never gets released from CVP and enduser keeps hearing music and agent hears nothing.Looks like end user is still connected to voice b...
Hello,I am running a comprehensive IPCC hosted and CVP is playing critical message.On the vbbrowser I can see the following error"call server localhost:8000 reports an error processing a call.FAiled to get VXML from any call server.Playing critical e...
Hello,I am running a comprehensive CVP mode with NAM and CICM.On the Gateway I am getting the following error**** CVP HANDOFF.TCL: DB692265.87F811DC.82B2C624.8892778E abnormally disconnected with code 38. ****I can see the switch leg completing.CVP i...
Is Unity 4.0.5 VM only mode supported with Exchange 2003 yet.I know this was not the case last year.Can any one please confirm.Also can we install Windows os as win2K3 for Voicemail only installs?Thanks,Radhika
Hello,We are doing a unity upgrade from 4.0.3 to 4.0.4.Do I have to upgrade dialogic software also for this upgrade?Thanks,Radhika
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-28-2001 07:29 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-12-2018 05:59 PM
Posts 587
Total Helpful Votes Received 97
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