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Member since ‎07-12-2015

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  • 62 Posts
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  • 25 Helpful votes Received
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HiWe are getting around to replacing our ACI switches. These are 1st gen switches and we are replacing them with 3rd gen switches. I've seen and read through the "Upgrading the Switch Hardware" guide at
HiWe are about to go through a company merger and looking at creating a multi-tenancy environment within our ACI infrastructure. Currently we only use 1 tenant (in addition to the common, Mgmt and Infra tenants of course), where we have a VMM domain ...
HiI wanted to share an issue I've had with OSPF and Catalyst 9300 switches. I would like to know if anyone else has seen this or not?We recently purchased 2 * Catalyst 9300-48UXM switches. Switch1 has C9300-NM-8X card installed and network advantage....
HiI am trying to set up PBR on a Nexus 7700 with nxos 8.4(2). The policy does not appear to take effect. I see no traffic going down the link and I see no hits on the ACL or route-map. I have used PBR on IOS devices and routers but this is the first ...
Hi I have noticed the following error being logged on a Nexus 7700 switch: %MODULE-4-MOD_WARNING: Module 5 (Serial number: JAE20470361) reported warning Ethernet5/25-28 due to single-bit ECC error in device DEV_CLP_L3 (device error 0xcaf06600) The er...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-12-2015 09:53 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-02-2024 04:24 AM
Posts 62
Total Helpful Votes Received 25
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