I have a Cisco 2911 plugged into an HP Switch which also runs fiber to another HP Switch. Both of these switches run to multiple computers. There are two networks but only one router. I can ping anywhere outside from the router and also to any com...
We are trying to use the Cisco Configuration Professional. I connected my PC vis USB to USB. Professional could't connect via USB, I got an error ~ can't detect anything in COM1 or COM2. I was able to get hyperterminal to work via USB. Does Profe...
Thank You, The Router is now working with all the computers on but networks.I added.nac1)#permit ip anynac1)#permit ip anyand also added.ip route to DNS and ISP Gateway.
Before I save this to the startup Config I wanted to make sure the configuration looks correct. Can you take a look?interface GigabitEthernet0/0 ip address ip nat outside ip virtual-reassembly no ip route-cache duplex au...
I'm going to add NAT and see if I'm able to connect. I'm not sure if I'll get to that tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for the advice. I'll let you know how it goes.