My customer has an Exchange 2003 message store but want to add an Exchange 2007 server to their AD - this will extend the schema.Our subscribers will still be on the Exchange 2003 server and that will be the partner server.Is this upgrade of the AD s...
We're running MPX and the Outlook addin was working well until today. It has disappeared from a couple of our users Outlook clients & despite reinnstalling & checking the add-in's in advanced options I can't see a way of gettinng it back.The...
All of my 3560 ports connected to phones (7940/42/60/70/71) are showing continuous 50pps output towards the phones. I've turned off GARP but still no improvement.Although most of these phones have PC's attached, the data VLAN is not affected.I can't ...
When my users try to attend a web meeting, the meeting room window opens, then times out with this error ..."Meeting Room could not connect to the MeetingPlace Express server".Has anyone seen, overcome this ?Thanks
Hi Ginger,You were correct that there are disabled items. I reenabled them, rebooted and still no tab.I've uninstalled through Windows then reinstalled & again I have no tab.Anything else you can think of ?Paul.
The problem was that although one of my nic's was resolvable by dns, the second nic was not.The web meeting room uses the second nic.When this was added to DNS the web meeting room functionality works.
the mailbox was migrated to a new server and the alias is the same, so I will need to delete the subscriber before I can reimport. So, killing this bunny (!) will probably not help ?b/wpaul.