Abubakar Siddique
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎06-14-2016

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  • 50 Posts
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User Activity

Good Day Folks,    I am using CME2911 with IOS version 15.2 and telephony service is 9.1. recently i started to face an issue regarding conference on tollfree number. i.e 800 number. i am able to dial the number and AA speaks. but when i try to dial ...
Hello fellas, i have been given a task to block all incoming and outgoing calls and allow only broadcast for 2 of the extension. i have CME 10.5 and my clients wants to allow only broadcast for specific extensions but rest of the phones shoud be able...
Hello friends. i have configured multiple vlans on my core switch , intervlan is working fine. i have enabled ospf for that, then i connected my router firewall to one of the switchport , i assigned it ip address of the same range.and i can ping as i...
Hello Fellas, I have this scanario at one site where i have configure 11 vlans, in which i will have to provide internet access for three vlans. here is the network setup, i have a one cisco 3850 which is acting as core switch and is connected to a...
Hello Friends i have got some questions related wireless network1.converged access mobility/new mobility architecture on WLC (5500) ,can anybody explain what are the benefits if i use this. 2.i want to know enabling broadcast in one ssid/wlan is a go...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-14-2016 03:52 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-23-2018 02:47 AM
Posts 50